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商务汉语 Business Mandarin


商务汉语 Business Mandarin


  • Mainland China is a beautiful, miraculous and wonderful land with abundant treasures and a host of business opportunities!

  • Mainland China, with over five thousand years of history, will enchant your!

  • Vancouver has many Chinese residents and easy access to Chinese markets!

  • If you want to explore Chinese markets; If you want success in your business, If you want to enjoy Chinese culture,

  • You should have the key ---- Chinese language and literacy!

  • Join our school ! Learn Chinese quickly and easily!

 We Office:

  1. Basic / Intermediate / Advanced Business Mandarin communication skills

  2. Standard mandarin Pronunciation (PinYin)

  3. Chinese idioms, music songs and phrases

  4. Chinese traditional culture

  5. Chinese Business culture and manner

  • New Program: VIP One on One Program
  • Intensive Mandarin / Chinese teacher,
    Cantonese and English speaking , experienced voice-recording.
    customized training , flexible hour

 For overseas viewers, this is a convenient alternative to classroom learning of coming to China to study, at the same time, we also hope to offers them a direct window on understanding China.We pick practical Mandarin conversation textbook -- The "Communicate in Chinese".  It texts have 40 scenarios(40 topics) in goal ,published as a set of four books. Each book comprises ten lessons ,the last one being a revision lesson. The teaching materials concentrate on spoken Chinese, through the characters' daily activities as presented in the situational dialogues, language context is reflected and students will find their interest grow as they gradually grasp the ability to communicate in Chinese. In order to assist beginners gain an innate understanding of dialogues in Chinese and quickly gain communications skills, we made full use of the television medium, to produce situational dialogues and provide pinyin, Chinese and English subtitles onscreen for the new vocabulary and common expressions, so that what viewers see, they can learn, it cultivates a language environment and leaves a lasting impression. (from Communicate Chinese)



    DECC不仅教汉语语言,还介绍中国的商务文化和传授各种实用的中国经商策略及诀窍。戴国斌——中国戴氏教育集团董事长,著名成功教育家、企业家,将亲自编写DECC商务汉语课程中“中国经商必读”章节,揭示在中国经商的成功秘诀与您分享 !




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